African Epilepsy Council 2017

The 3rd African Epilepsy Congress of 2017 was held in Dakar.

The 3rd African Epilepsy Congress of 2017 Was Held

 The 3rd African Epilepsy Congress was held from 05 to 07 May 2017 at Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar, in Senegal, after Nairobi and Cape Town.

The theme this year was “Child and Adolescent’s Epilepsy.”

This year’s theme was “Child and Adolescent’s Epilepsy.” This topical issue has generated many fruitful exchanges between experts and learners from all over the world. For two and a half days, Dakar was the meeting place for 281 participants from 48 different countries, among them 113 from Senegal. Locally, we noted a significant involvement of pediatricians, neurosurgeons and psychiatrists who play an important role in the epilepsy management. A total of 25 scholarships were granted and 76 posted communications were accepted.

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