
CareEpilepsy was registered with Companies House and Charity Commission as an international UK charity on 8th May 2013. Our organisation is dedicated to improving the lives of people with epilepsy in Ethiopia. Our work encompasses the full spectrum of issues: medical treatment, stigma and social barriers, wellbeing, advocacy and strengthening the role of primary health care providers to provide effective, efficient and quality epilepsy services. We work through volunteers and with international, national, regional and local partners.

Mission and vision

Our mission
Saving lives and improving the health of people with epilepsy through medical care, education, well-being and advocacy.

Our vision
To see people with epilepsy healthy, productive, and free from discrimination and stigma.

Beliefs and values
The basis of our beliefs derives from the principles outlined in the World Health Organization “…the highest attainable standard of health as a fundamental right of every human being.”

Our Objective
Our objective in Ethiopia is to establish a sustainable model of epilepsy care and treatment, raise awareness and increase social acceptability, and increase advocacy to address the medical, social and environmental factors contributing to epilepsy.

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