Our work aims to bridge the gaps in epilepsy care through providing capacity building support to the Ethiopian health service by training health extension workers and nurses to achieve early recognition, diagnosis, and treatment of epilepsy. 

We also advocate for making anti-epileptic drugs accessible and affordable for people living with epilepsy.

Our pillar of work remains to be raising patients and public awareness to increase ‘medical seeking behaviour’ among people with epilepsy and reduce the stigma associated with epilepsy.  We use different mediums such as radio, TV, leaflets, and posters to raise awareness and increase social acceptability and help people living with epilepsy take a more active role in the management of their epilepsy. 

CareEpilepsy Ethiopia encourages people with Epilepsy to play an active role in preventing Epilepsy and raising awareness.

Our well-being programs aspire to build the capacity of people with Epilepsy with vocational skills, training, and other similar efforts to make them self-confident and gain self-worth.   

Through our advocacy programme, CareEpilepsy intervenes to bring about attitude change among various stakeholders to increase social acceptability of people with Epilepsy and their full, productive participation in society through raising awareness, mass education, and advocacy work.

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